Friday, August 21, 2009

From the NY Times article on Assembly

The Rev. Katrina Foster, a pastor in the Metropolitan New York Synod, pointed out that the church has ordained woman and divorced people in violation of a literal interpretation of scripture.

''We can learn not to define ourselves by negation,'' Foster said. ''By not only saying what we are against, which always seems to be the same -- against gay people. We should be against poverty. I wish we were as zealous about that.''

Similarly, Kevin Roose in his book Unlikely Disciple discussed the problem of Jerry Falwell preaching not just religion but an entire slate of political and social views that must be accepted as the 100% literal, inspired truth. The Lutheran church has voted for acceptance and inclusion, a recognition that the Holy Spirit can speak through anyone. Now, let's follow where the Spirit leads us all together, recognizing that we can disagree but serve together in community.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are definitely "cafeteria Christains" in the way we choose which parts of scripture to follow and which parts are open to interpretation. Certainly the history of marriage is one of the most obvious examples. People in many times and places have said that changes in marriage would be the ruin of society, but still we muddle on. Poverty and unemployment have ruined more families than mixed-race, mixed-religion, or same-gender arrangements could ever do. A God who loves us all must certainly also want to love each other in ways approriate to our time in history.
