Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So what's your excuse now?

Lutherans are singers.  I know this.  It's encoded in the DNA of our church, and it's one of my favorite things about being an organist in the ELCA.  And yet...every church struggles for choir members and participation throughout its music program.

Like most music directors, I've heard pretty much every excuse and every explanation.  But I just want to let everyone know that we're taking away one of those excuses for the next few weeks.  We're moving choir rehearsals to Sunday afternoons.  So if you're one of the people who has told me that you're busy on Wednesday nights, or you're one of the people who just can't get yourself out of the house on a dark winter evening, now you can just stay after the second service and sing with us for another hour.  You can set aside another hour of peace and calm in your week and enjoy some time making music with friends.

If you can't sing, maybe you'd rather play in the bell choir?  We're rehearsing between the services (9:45 - 10:30).

Easter may be months away, but planning for Holy Week and Easter are currently at the top of my to do list.  I would love nothing more than to have a huge choir for that most important festival of the church year.  We have 21 choir robes to fill.  Think it over.  Make it a New Year's resolution, part of your commitment to the church - and now there's one less excuse to give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. Tom, I love this post and the title especially!
    Let's address some of those other excuses:

    Fear of singing? If my voice cracks, or I forget my part, I know my fellow altos will cover for me. What a joy to sing with our growing choir!

    Fear of commitment? Try us out - just until Easter.

    Fear of hunger? There will be some healthy munchies to get us through that hour before lunch.

    Fear of falling? We have robes of all sizes - they can even be temporarily hemmed so you won't trip!

    "Praise the Lord! How good it is to sing praises to our God; for he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting." Psalm 147:1
